a blog on solar energy

From the inside of the industry

Tesla Solar Roof
Tesla canceled or paused most of their Tesla Solar roofs installations
As the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk pointed out on 2021, “We did find that we basically made some significant mistakes in assessing the difficulty of certain roofs, but the complexity of roofs varies dramatically.”...
Building the Tesla Solar Roof
How to bid the tesla solar roof?
Nowadays, more and more people choose the Tesla Solar Roof or solar shingles as their new option for re-roofing. Tesla Certified Installers should very accurately bid and propose these Tesla solar roof...
solar panel inspection's card
The 5 main types of solar panel Inspections
The 5 main types of solar panel inspections: What are the 5 main inspection-types for solar panels? The types of solar inspections would depend on your building department. In general, these are the 5...
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